Enrolling in the VMS program is the first step in becoming a Holman vendor partner. We do not disclose any identifiable data to any 3rd party during this process. Although unlikely, we may determine that membership of the Holman Vendor program will not bring significant additional revenue to your business so we reserve the right to record your membership request but not proceed with enrollment.
Vendor Details
Provide your vendor name as it appears on your official documentation. Depending on your country you may be asked for other details that help identify your business.
Please enter your address as accurately as possible. We use this information to locate your business premises in order to determine the market potential available to you should you become a member of the Holman Vendor program
Depending on the country we may provide electronic verification of your address.
In order to more precisely locate your premises, move the pin displayed on the map to the exact location of your business prior to submitting your request. Changes to your address may be applied to the map using the synchronize address button found on the map.
Business Details
We also ask a few basic details about your business. Our vendor network is made up of a range of vendors offering a range of services. These answers, together with your location, help us determine your market potential should you become a member of the Holman vendor program.